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Witnessing Tools 

Mediator Booklet (Click Here for PDF)

This is a great witnessing tool and illustrates the greatest weakness in Watchtower theology: The absence of any provision whatsoever for the forgiveness of sins outside of the New Covenant. If asked, about 50% of JW's will admit to you that they are outside of the New Covenant. The ones that won't admit it need only to be reminded that they reject the unleavened bread and wine during the "observance" of the Lord's Supper. After you remind them of that, the other 50% will usually then admit to you that they personally have no part in the New Covenant.

Instead of arguing about the Trinity, Soul Sleep, Neutrality and all the other things they are trained to argue about, simply ask them to show you even one scripture that shows how a person can get their sins forgiven outside of the New Covenant. Of course it doesn't exist; and if it did exist that would mean that Jesus died unnecessarily. After the Witness says that they will have to get back with you on that, you'll usually have a very brief opportunity to share your faith... which is all we need for the Holy Spirit to do His work. Never forget that.     

In all my years of door to door work as a Jehovah's Witness, I never had one Christian ask me this question phrased like that. Jehovah's Witnesses believe that they have an agreement with God other than the New Covenant to avoid Judgment. However, most will be quite shocked that they cannot explain it to you from the bible. They are used to having all the answers. But the greatest question of all is unanswerable by them. 

The majority of JW's are also unaware that official WT doctrine states that Jesus is not their Mediator. This revelation alone has caused many to stop their idolatry of the Watchtower Corporation. This is the primary message JW's should hear. It is also ironically the primary message that all Christians should be able to explain.  At a door 12 years ago, one kind Christian woman took the time to listen with her bible in hand, talk with me, and eventually share her faith. That was my start at beginning to put faith in Jesus ALONE.     

Soul-Winning Outline for Jehovah's Witnesses (Click Here for PDF)

This is the basic outline I use when witnessing to Jehovah's Witnesses. You may not be able to get all the way through it before they want to leave. But that's OK. If you really communicate your concern for them personally, instead of trying to win an argument, you can get them to engage longer and prompt them to think...maybe after they are gone.

WT Study Article Page Teaching Rejection of the "Free Gift" of Forgiveness of Sins (Click Here for PDF)
This page has been doctored to illustrate the biblical reasons why the Watchtower is wrong in teaching it's members to reject the New Covenant. Most JW's will deny they reject the New Covenant. However, all you have to do is remind them that they reject the bread and wine on the Lord's Supper ceremony (Memorial of Christ's death) which symbolizes the covenant, and they will then admit it to you ... probably somewhat reluctantly.

It's not that JW's want to lie to people per se, they just don't feel like people understand. This can be used in favor of the soul winner. Ask them to show you even one New Testament Scripture that shows how a person can get their sins forgiven while outside of the New Covenant. This is very powerful when they stumble to find a scripture that does not exist. I try to end all conversations with something like this:

"Do me a favor, if you ever become disillusioned with the Watchtower, would you please consider giving Jesus a chance for a one on one relationship with you"?

Say this kindly!


The New Covenant - Its Availability in this Age and the Next (Click Here for PDF)


The point of the chart is to demonstrate that the New Covenant is available to "whosoever" during the Age of Grace as well as the Millennium Reign because tribulation survivors and their children throughout the Millennium time period will still have a sin nature and need a blood covering. 


However, the Watchtower uses their unique calculations regarding the end of the Gentile Times, (which they say ended in 1914) as an excuse to end the New Covenant. They reason that if Age of Grace has ended (Gentile Times)  and if the Millennium Reign has already begun, then the availability of the New Covenant "for the forgiveness of sins" (Matt. 26: 27-28) must have ended as well. Not one New Testament scripture supports this heresy. This is the Central Difference between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians. 


2 Timothy 2: 15 commands us to "rightly divide" the word of God. This implies that there is a way to wrongly divide the Word of God. This chart will help to divide Biblical Ages correctly in the mind of a JW.  


I also created this chart in an attempt to highlight areas of agreement between Christians and a Watchtower view, while at the same time isolating the key difference - the Rejection of the New Covenant.



Watchtower View on Romans 6: 7 Examined


The Watchtower teaches that the opportunity to be born again and enjoy complete Justification with God ended in 1935, having been limited to only 144K since Pentecost. So, it is very surprising that the Watchtower embraces the death that is described in Romans Chapter 6, since this is the very death that is required to be born again…… which is denied to Watchtower members!


Watchtower isolated Romans 6: 7 which says,  “he that has died has been freed (“acquitted” in NWT) from sin” and created a doctrine of self-atonement that states when a person dies, they automatically get a clean slate. 17 scriptures are listed in this document that sets the matter straight.

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